
government contracting

Must Agencies solicit more than one source when establishing a GSA BPA

Posted by Robert Kelly on Dec 2, 2010 7:25:00 PM

In establishing a GSA Schedule BPA, is there a requirement to solicit more than one source, or can the GSA Schedule BPA be negotiated with one specific GSA Schedule contractor?

When establishing single or multiple GSA Schedule BPAs, an ordering activity must follow the same ordering procedures outlined in FAR 8.405. The end result of following these procedures is that the ordering activity solicits more than three sources and seeks price reductions prior to establishing a GSA Schedule BPA.

If the ordering activity only solicits one source (i.e., a "sole source"), the ordering activity must justify its action in accordance with FAR 8.405-6, Limited Sources Justification and Approval. In establishing a "sole source" BPA, the ordering activity has restricted consideration of the number of contractors to fewer than those prescribed by the Schedule ordering procedures and, therefore, must comply with the limited sources and approval requirements of FAR 8.405-6.

Note: DoD offices and non-DoD activities establishing BPAs for supplies and services on behalf of DoD must comply with the additional requirements under Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) 208.405-70.

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