GSA and SBA produce a number of videos that are useful for novices entering the federal market.
TurboGSA recommends that novices learn the basics and these videos can help. But if you want to thrive in the market, then you need to move beyond these basic steps. And often, you need to be weary of using ineffective marketing techniques that simply don't through the noise and clutter. Firms should establish a standout market entry strategy and use insight selling and content marketing to attract federal clients.
This video was produced by GSA to provide vendors with an overview of marketing to the government. It provide information on the basics of selling to government. However, it does not, nor could anyone reasonably expect, a video of 35 minutes to cover the intricacies of marketing in your particular industry or more sophisticated GSA sales and marketing techniques.
This video is from GSA's Interact website.
Every agency typically offers resources on their web site about "how to do business with" their agency. Many conduct webinars and seminar on marketing to the federal government. More often than not, the information is basic and too generic to be useful. For example, the training does not differentiate between marketing commodity products and professional services or major systems acquisitions. Therefore, some firms might try to implement programs that may be appropriate for the former but totally ineffective for the latter.
That's why we offer courses and coaching that we adapt to your specific company's industry and size, so that we deliver tactical advice that is immediately actionable.
Check out our GSA Sales Coaching service or our
Selling using your GSA Schedule Contract course