
Establishing the Agency Buying Vision

Does this describe how you feel about your federal marketing efforts?

    • You are following all the traditional advice about how to market to federal agencies
    • You are closely tracking upcoming contracts
    • You are bidding on a lot of contracts

But you are not winning much business?  

How would you describe your marketing approach to developing your federal business?

    • Passive or aggressive
    • Reactive or Proactive
    • Chasing RFPs or Creating Deals

Many firms primarily rely on finding available bid opportunities using eBuy, FedBizOpps, or similar services.  This puts you in the reactive mode chasing RFPs. Worse, it inserts you far too late in the buying process to have any meaningful impact on the agency's buying vision.

To succeed, you need to understand the federal buying process and get engaged much earlier in the process. This 5-minute video describes federal buyers and their process of obtaining needed services and solutions. It describes why getting involved with agencies much sooner is so important.

Video on Establishing the Agency Buying Vision


Related Training

Learn how the buying process works, the roles of the players, and how to get involved early in the process well before RFPs are even issued.

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