
Searching FedBizOpps

Federal Business Opportunities (FBO) moved to beta.SAM.gov starting in November, 2019.  It is now known as Contract Opportunities

Vendors can search FedBiz for opportunities based on the following elements:

    • Keyword/Solicitation#
    • Opportunity/Procurement Type
    • Posted Date
    • Response Deadline
    • Last Modified Date
    • Contract Award Date
    • Place of Performance State
    • Place of Performance Zip Code
    • Set-aside code (“set-aside” solicitations allow only specified business concerns)
    • Classification code
    • NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) code
    • Agency/Office location(s)
    • Recovery and Reinvestment Act Action

FBO Search Agents

FBO allows vendors to search for opportunities based on a variety of search metrics. These searches, once created, can be useful tools for recurring use in the system. As such, advanced searches can be saved as “search agents” that can be scheduled for recurring exploration, or executed on an ad hoc basis

fedbiz training

There are three ways to create a search agent: 

  1. A user can navigate directly to the “Advanced Search” sub-tab to build a query specifically for the purpose of being a search agent by selecting the “Search and Create Saved Searches” Quicklink on the My FBO page.
  2. A user can click on the ”Advanced Search” sub-tab within the Opportunities section and save a search for future use that is efficient in finding relevant opportunities.
  3. A user can navigate directly to the list of saved searches by selecting the “View Saved Searched” Quicklink on the My FBO page. From there, the user can click the “Add New Search Agent” button.

New Call to action

Having Trouble Identifying Appropriate Opportunities?

TurboGSA's FedBid Lookout™ supplements your internal business development capabilities to take advantage of opportunities that fall under the Simplified Acquisition Program, Requests for Information, and GSA’s eBuy program.  We continuously monitor agencies who are soliciting small businesses in your field.
FedBid Lookout Get the Details


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