
00CORP Professional Services Schedule

00CORP was a schedule discontinued in 2019, that allowed all types of professional service firm sell services to the government. It has been replaced by the MAS Schedule.

What is the GSA Professional Services Schedule?

This schedule was revised in 2015 and now encompasses all the earlier schedules that offered most types of professional services.  

What value does it offer?

This schedule was designed by GSA to become the go to contract vehicle for all professional services in the federal government. 

What Individual Schedules are now absorbed into the Professional Services Schedule?

The following schedules now longer exist separately, but everything offered under these former schedules now exist in 00CORP:

Schedule 520 - Financial and Business Solutions (FABS)

Schedule 541 - Advertising and Integrated Marketing Solutions (AIMS)

Schedule 738II - Language Services

Schedule 871 - Professional Engineering Services (PES)

Schedule 874 - Mission Oriented Business Integrated Services (MOBIS)

Schedule 874V - Logistics Worldwide (LogWorld)

Schedule 899 - Environmental Services

Complimentary Services

The Human Resources and Information Technology schedules still exist separately, but you can list your IT Professional Services and some HR Services in 00CORP under certain circumstances.  


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