
FedBiz starts with Knowledge

Posted by Robert Kelly on Dec 20, 2010 9:09:00 AM

Developing Federal business (FedBiz) starts with knowledge, and keeping up to date with the direction and initiatives of agencies of Federal agencies is essential to any federal marketing program. A number of websites and magazines cater to Federal agencies and Federal employees and are well worth reviewing on a regulat basis.  Some, like GovExec, allow you to subscribe to their various email newsletters to stay informed. Many others offer email alerts and RSS feeds to help you stay on top of Agency programs. many allow you to read most content online without subscription. 

We have listed of essential FedBiz magazines/websites that report on government programs and news, and are frequently read by government officials.  Some are geared towards particular sectors (e.g., Defense), and some to specific functions (e.g., IT, Health, Procurement).     

Magazines are divided into several logical categories:

  • Federal business and wide raging topics,
  • Federal IT
  • Health IT
  • Procurement\Defense

FedBiz Publications

  By frequently reviewing these websites and perhaps subscribing to these magazines relevant to the Federal market, you will be on top emerging issues.  This will enable you not only to understand the direction and initiatives of agencies, but you will be far better able to craft you marketing message to Federal agency needs.

Stay on top by reviewing these top FedBiz knowledge sites.

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