
Succeeding with GSA Schedules

Posted by Robert Kelly on Sep 17, 2012 12:06:00 PM

gsa vendor supportIf you’re fortunate enough to have been awarded a General Services Administration (GSA) contract, you should be pleased. After all, only about two percent of firms that work with the government hold a GSA contract. While this is an achievement, most executives now ask, “What’s next? How do I get a piece of this $39 billion pie?”

New contract holders should be concerned with

1) establishing systems to manage contract compliance, and

2) effectively generating sales through the GSA contract.

Initial Activities after you are awarded Your GSA Contract

In the the days and weeks following your GSA schedule award, there are a few steps you should take to ensure you get off to a great start in becoming a successful GSA contractor.

  • Review Your Award Letter and GSA Contract Clauses
  • Learn More 
  • Prepare your GSA Pricelist 
  • Upload Pricing to GSA Advantage

Read more details on these activities: Getting Started with a GSA Schedule.

New Call to action

For long-term compliance, be sure to 

  • Assign Responsibilities for managing the GSA contract
  • Develop Procedure for Receiving GSA Orders
  • Monitor Price Reduction Clause (PRC) Issues 
  • Train Sales Staff on GSA rules

Read more about these activities: GSA Contract Compliance System

Finally, make sure you continuously evaluate your sales and marketing approach so that you meet exceed the GSA sales criteria of $25,000/year. Developing a marketing and sales strategy is essential for long-term success. 

You should change your website to show that your firm now has a GSA contract and makes it clear that you are a savvy federal contractor. For a brief illustrated guide on this topic, please download the guide, Make Your Web Site Fed Friendly.

You should also issue a press release that announces your recent award. Many services such as Business Wire offer services that target the federal media. You will also want to update your federal capabilities statement to include GSA information.

Here are a few other suggestions for enhancing your GSA Sales and markeitng efforts: Succeeding with GSA Sales


Selling using your GSA Contract






Topics: GSA Audit, GSA Contract, GSA Sales

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