
How to Get a GSA Contract Infographic

Posted by Robert Kelly on Sep 3, 2013 10:58:00 AM

This new infographic summarizes the process and benefits of getting a GSA contract.  It contains:

    • the four phases of getting a GSA schedule contract.
    • Sales chart to show that a GSA contract is worth getting
    • Key GSA Schedule statistics
how to get a gsa contract

A GSA Contract delivers these benefits:

  1. Helps avoid open competitions on FedBizOpps by allowing agencies to buy from you based on predetermined terms, conditions and pricing.
  2. Rather than writing hundreds of pages of government proposals, GSA contracts simplify proposal writing.  Most responses are limited to less than 20 pages.
  3. Since you already negotiated terms, a GSA contract minimizes complex Federal contracting issues
  4. Government buyers are risk adverse.  A GSA contract provides marketing cachet and GSA "stamp of approval."
  5. A schedules contract shortens the time for Agencies to issue contracts to you, from about 268 days for conventional Federal contracts  to about 15 days for a GSA order.
  6. Many government procurement officers prefer buying from a GSA contractor.
  7. A GSA contract enables you to sell to state and local governments under some circumstances.
  8. GSA provides its contractors with marketing support (free advertising in GSA's magazine, listing in GSA Advantage, and exposure to multiple government procurement sites).
by Robert Kelly Google
GSA Schedule Introduction

Topics: 1. GSA Schedule - All about, GSA Contract

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