Many firms come to us seeking to obtain a GSA contract. We always explore the reasons why a business wants to obtain a GSA contract, to make sure it makes sense for them. The most obvious reason is that small businesses are seeking to obtain more sales from Federal agencies and believe a GSA contract can help. But digging deeper, at times we find that a GSA Schedule would not be appropriate for some firms. However, we often hear many good reasons why the company is seeking a GSA contract. Here are ten reasons frequently given for why they are looking for a GSA contract.
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GSA Contract,
GSA Schedules
GSA Contracts: Minimize Your Competition within the Rules
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Maximizing Federal Sales,
GSA Schedules
Hiring a consultant to help you through the GSA contract process is an excellent idea, but what happens after you get the contract? Can that same consultant help you through an audit or an extension? Can they help you find new government customers? You should find answers to these questions before you engage with a qualified GSA consultant.
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GSA Schedules,
GSA Schedule
Many businesses that aspire to expand into the Federal market often conclude, and rightfully so, that obtaining a GSA Schedule contract could be a great tool in their Federal marketing toolbox. But some firms have been led to believe that all they need to do is simply apply for a GSA contract, as you might a business loan from your bank. This is definitely not the case and there is no such thing as a GSA application. And while some people may use the term “application” in the vernacular, it tends to make one believe that the process is form driven and straightforward. This issue is not merely semantics; obtaining a GSA contract is serious business and requires a lot of thought and preparation.
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GSA Contract,
GSA Consultant,
GSA Schedules
Subpart 51.1 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), Contractor Use of Government Supply Sources, prescribes the policies and procedures under which federal contractors can use government supply sources, like GSA Schedule Contracts, to facilitate the completion of their contract. Traditionally, this allowance only enabled Prime contractors to purchase certain supplies and services not requiring a statement of work if they were on a Cost Reimbursement Contract. In 2009, GSA established a deviation to FAR 51.1 that allowed contractors to purchase from other contractors under both Cost Reimbursement and Time & Materials Contracts.
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GSA Contract,
Maximizing Federal Sales,
GSA Schedules
As any experienced government contractor or frequent GSA/Fed Marketing Blog reader could tell you, the GSA Schedule Contract is perhaps the single best option in Federal Contracting. Such an individual would likely highlight some of the features unique to GSA Schedules. Features like the pre-negotiated, government-wide contract terms which allow GSA Schedule Contract holders to literally cut to the front of the Federal Contracting line. An experienced contractor might also remind you that government contracting officers simply prefer to contract with GSA scheduled firms.
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Government Contracts,
GSA Contract,
GSA Schedules
Which of the GSA Schedules is best for your firm?
GSA has about 33 different GSA Schedules that have over 30million products and services. Usually the choice is pretty simple. If you sell engineering services, you would pursue the Schedule 00CORP - the Professional Services Schedule (which absorbed many services schedules including the old Engineering Service Schedule (871)). If you are a hardware store, you would choose the Hardware Superstore schedule (Schedule 51 V).
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GSA Contract,
GSA Schedules,
GSA Schedule
Admittedly, this will not be ground breaking advice nor make your GSA schedule sales skyrocket. But these tips will make it easier for your Federal clients to remember you and make their life easier. I have heard this requested by numerous federal clients over the years and not long ago I heard it again, so I thought it would be worthwhile to pass along. The two things many Federal’s ask for are: detailed email signature line and more descriptive information on business cards.
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GSA Sales,
GSA Schedules
Getting on the GSA schedule provides many opportunities for getting government contracts and significantly increasing revenues. A GSA contract:
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GSA Contract,
GSA Schedules